Chief Executive Officer, PPA
About the Class

It’s not just the customer; it’s not just your products; it’s not just your marketing. Your brand is all that…and more! It’s everything about your business, and it’s so easily misunderstood. But help is on the way.

In this two-part series, David Trust, PPA’s CEO, takes you through the intricacies of what makes a brand and how you build it. He’ll walk you through understanding the customer and your business so you can focus on bringing out your desired brand in all you do. So listen up and learn about…

  • The Customer Conundrum – how they see themselves and how they react (and how that plays into how they buy)
  • Your Business – what makes you different, what you really need to focus on (the experience), and why your value needs to be in line with your brand.
  • Branding vs. Marketing – what the real difference is between the two.
  • The Customer Connection – why you should aim to create loyalty and long-term customers
  • Customer Expectations – how they play into your brand and why going beyond those expectations can deliver the results you seek.

If you’re ready to go above and beyond the expected, you’re ready for this class. Soak up these details because once you understand your brand, you can bring it out…with style!

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