Chief Executive Officer, PPA
About the Class

Have you ever worked for a company you hated? Or a company you loved? Do you remember why? In this class, instructor David Trust (PPA CEO) teaches you how to create your own company culture so that your employees love to work for YOU!

How do you do this? Well, as David will show you, you first have to understand yourself and what makes you tick, as a business owner. With some guidance and introspection, you’ll learn how you handle conflict, criticism and crisis—just to name a few!

But creating a culture isn’t just about one person, so David discusses other critical points that contribute to your culture, including the following:

  • The type of people you hire – What type of people do you want and need?
  • Your company’s vision – What is it and how do you share it
  • Day-to-day aspects of your business – Meetings, training and employee expectations.
  • The type of manager you should be – What do your employees want and need?

Whether you’re Apple or Microsoft, Target or Walmart, every company has a culture and yours will too. As the top gun, you set the tone, and David Trust will help you do it right.

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