M.Photog.Hon.M.Photog.Cr., CPP, F-ASP
About the Class

American author and poet, Maya Angelou is credited with saying “…people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

In this video, Tim and Beverly Walden discuss and demonstrate the value of emotion in your brand. It’s not just about products or photographs, but how these make your clients feel. And, if you can make that connection with your work and your customers, you’ll have a booming business!

The Waldens share their brilliant insight, giving you how-to tips on topics like:

  • Build client connections that differentiate you from your competitors.
  • Tie emotion and feeling to your product lines.
  • Target clients who will love what you do.

The Waldens have built a career on learning and capturing people’s stories and providing an emotional connection that clients love. Learn how they do it and how you can too!

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