About the Class

In this class, Joel Grimes addresses a fear that is in the heart of every photographer: how to stay current and not become yesterday’s news. And while Joel doesn’t have a magic potion, he does have a formula for staying ahead of the game.

First of all, it’s a numbers game, and Joel shows you it all works. Discuss the time and effort it really takes to be successful, the number of hours and even years you can expect to invest, your productivity levels and the number of amazing pieces you should create. Learn how all this hard work not only helps you perfect your art but keeps you on top of your game and informed of trends and industry knowledge.

Then, dig deep into the type of self- assignments that will keep you at the highest level of your game. Learn how often you should refresh or replace your portfolio, how self-assignments can not only be fun and educational but help you learn new technologies or create a different style or look.

You’ll also discuss when and why you need to reinvent yourself, and how you can continually aspire and work towards the next level. Joel Grimes teaches you how to embrace change and use it to stay in the forefront of your industry.

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