About the Class

Steve Hopper is a good kid who loves football; and, as he grows up, so does his passion for the sport. High school presents an opportunity for him to fulfill a lifelong dream and play football at the college level but Hopper shatters this dream in one split second when he finds himself in a fight at a party gone wrong. One swing sends another teen into a coma—and sends Hopper to prison for a decade. With nothing but time on his hands, he begins to ask life’s big question: “What is my life’s purpose?” About that time, God begins to intervene and reveal a new and deeper meaning to his existence—as well as destiny. The emptiness that had been growing inside him now subsides and even begins to fill up with hope, love, and purpose. Experience his tears and triumphs, failures and successes, and apply those experiences to your own life as you find the answers to your life’s greatest questions.

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