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February 14, 2020

We’ll Always Show Our Love for the PPA Community. This Week We’re Celebrating Valentine’s Day With Our Photography Advice Roundup

Here are some articles that are bound to brighten up your Valentine’s Day!

Man Tracks Down People He Photographed in the Street 40 Years Ago to Recreate Their Pictures

In this Modern Met article, Sarah Barnes takes us on a photographic journey as photographer Chris Porz tracks down his photography subjects from 40 years ago to recreate their photos. Although this article isn’t very word-heavy, it’s amazing to see how much these subjects and their locations change after 40 years. If this progression sounds like something that will interest you, then head over to this article!

How Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Turned Their Love Affairs Into an Art Form (and 10 Other Wild Romances That Changed Art History)

If you’re ready for an account on the drama that is being a lover to well-known artists, then you need to check out this piece. In the artnet News article, Katie White does not spare any details about the relationships between these major players in art history. White’s writing will captivate you until you finish reading the entirety of her article. To learn more about the love stories of art history, make sure to take a look at this article! As an artist, you owe it to yourself to delve into the lives of the greats who came before you.

Couple Photography: Telling Their Love Story

As a photographer working on a couple shoot, you need to capture the connection with the couple on camera. Doing this may seem easy, but to truly capture a couple that is deeply in love with one another, you may need some pointers. That’s where Melinda Smith comes in. In her Digital Photography School article, she gives all of the techniques that she uses to create beautiful couple moments on camera. Do yourself a favor and check out this article to find ways to create romantic moments that your clients will love to look back on.

Ways to do Proper Networking as a Photographer

Even if you don’t have a lover today, what’s stopping you from creating a loving and meaningful connection with your photography network. In the WittySparks article, Nishitha gives 5 ways to properly network as a photographer. She hints towards attending contests, attending local meetups and three other fantastic options for improving your network. To discover the rest of her networking options, you need to read the rest of this article!


We hope that you fall in love with some of these articles today! To find other articles that will give you insight into the art of photography, make sure to explore the collection of articles that PPA has to offer. Don’t forget to join PPA today to receive more resources for your photography business!