May 6, 2024
at 9:00am -
with Chris Wunder, Cr.Photog.
“LOCATION CHANGE to 98 Overlook Clubhouse Dr., Brevard, NC 28712. Call 704-763-0409 for a gate pass.”
If you have excellent family portrait skills, don’t miss the BIG opportunities doing pictorial membership directories for Churches, Homeowner’s Associations, and Country Clubs. Since the pandemic, lots of organizations are overdue getting their directories updated so there’s BIG demand, with not much competition for the business. You can become the leading directory provider in your area, once you learn the best practices to do it in this highly detailed Workshop. Directory programs are perfect to help you increase your business. It’s a year-round opportunity, can help you build a great client base for your other services, and as the work can be done on-location, a brick-and-mortar studio is not required. Plus, with the introduction of DIGITAL directories, accounts can be serviced yearly for recurring incurring income. Learn all the tactics, strategies, and “secrets” of getting the accounts, conducting the program and photo sessions, handling the portrait sales, and providing print or digital directories. Sales of $5000-$10,000 per week are typical, depending on the number of Members photographed. Plus, new technology is making Directory programs easy to do, with no layout experience required. Your instructor is the author of “The Church Directory Handbook,” and has done over a hundred successful Directory programs. He will teach you how to be successful as a directory provider as well. While you’re in the area for this workshop, be sure to bring your camera as our location is in the “Land of Waterfalls” of western North Carolina, and home of outstanding landscape and nature photo opportunities. Scenes from the “Hunger Games” and “Last of the Mohicans” were filmed only a few miles from here. The festive city of Asheville, NC is less than an hour away. Come and spend an extra day photographing our natural beauty. Motel accommodations are available in nearby Brevard, NC (about 8 miles from the workshop site) Camping and AirBnB's are also nearby.
“LOCATION CHANGE to 98 Overlook Clubhouse Dr., Brevard, NC 28712. Call 704-763-0409 for a gate pass.”
98 Overlook Clubhouse Dr
Brevard, NC 28712
United States
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