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August 05, 2019

What Will Your Photography Look Like in the Future?

20 years ago, who would have thought that the general public would be using photography to augment reality via their phones? Technological change happens quickly—much quicker than most realize. The photography business is in a major state of flux due to rapidly accelerating technology. What’s next? What lies ahead for the art form and the business of photography?

Expert Photography’s Craig Hull has written on “6 Predictions for the Future of Photography,” and we’re pretty sure at least some of these are spot on. From immersive photography to the use of AI and the era of constant connectivity, the future is just around the corner—much of it is already beginning to take shape. Hull talks about the return to vintage currently showing up in department stores and the influence of Instagram. But be warned: Hull also throws in the ever-controversial *gulp* demise of the DSLR.

How Will You Stay Relevant in the Future of Photography?

You should always stay on top of current technology trends. It was only a few short years ago that drones showed up in the hobbyist photographer market. Before long at all, aerial photography has become a booming industry and PPA even offers a Drone Certification to help members set themselves apart in their market and demonstrate their credentials. Who knows what the next game-changer will be? Here at PPA we are always one step ahead and we want you and your business to be too.

Read about all 6 potential game-changers now. And don’t forget: you can stay up to date on technological trends, photography news, and the best photography education with your PPA membership.