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April 09, 2019

Get Inspired by Arthur Levi Rainville’s Success Story on Professional Photographer

While technique tutorials are essential, as a photographer, you must not underestimate the value in having access to the success stories of photographers like Authur Levi Rainville, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, API, who made a name for himself with his unique approach to portrait photography.

Arthur grew up in New England watching his father make portraits. He was inspired to become a portrait photographer in his own right, and  made a fine career of it. However, this was not until he faced some difficulties in getting his audience to accept his work. It was through these experiences that he learned an important lesson that became the basis of his art and success: the connection between portraitist and subject is everything. 

"I didn't understand until later that it is all about the connection you make with your subjects," he says. "My father understood that, and that’s why he was so beloved. He got to know his subjects and made portraits that were about them, not just pictures of them. It’s all about the harmonic resonance that you set up between yourself and the subject you’re about to portray."

Read the full article "The Connected Portrait" on Professional Photographer. If you’re not already a PPA member, don't forget to join PPA to get the latest advice and news in the photography world!