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November 22, 2017

Equipment Essentials on PPAedu

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PPAedu gives you 24/7 access to over 350 HD tutorial videos designed to educate you on all things photography and business. With new videos added every month, you are sure to find a video that fits you. It's FREE as one of the many great resources that come with being a member of PPA. 

This month's NEW PPAedu video is "Equipment Essentials: What Wedding Photographers Need" by Bry Cox, M.Photog.Cr., CPP. In this class, PPA wedding expert Bry Cox walks you step-by-step through everything you need, down to the tips of your shoes -and what shoes they should be! With Bry, you'll learn important tricks of the trade like...

What to wear - If you're thinking about your neon high-tops or your shimmery vest, think again. Bry shows you the wardrobe that works best.What to bring - No one comes empty-handed to a wedding, especially the photographer. Aside from your camera, what do you bring? Do you have a checklist? Do you need a backup camera? What about lenses, batteries or memory cards? Lighting equipment? Don't panic! Bry gets you organized!Time management - The bride can be late, but not you! Learn appropriate time management to get the job done right.Your backup plan - Should you back up your cards? If so, when and how? What if you're traveling? Bry tells you everything you need to know, whether you're shooting a wedding in town or Timbuktu.

Visit to learn more and see how you can take your photography and business to the next level!