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March 06, 2019

Professional Photographers of America: The Past, The Present, and The Mission

It’s impossible to fully appreciate the present without understanding the past. If photography is your passion, looking through the 150-year history of Professional Photographers of America could help you gain perspective, build connections, and in some way, get excited about the future.

For well over a century, PPA has been tirelessly dedicated to helping photographers be more protected, profitable, creative, sustainable, and ultimately, successful. But how did it all begin? How was it able to survive several eras in the 1800s, 1900s, and 2000s? What challenges did it face? How did it overcome the crises that almost ended its mission? And most amazingly, how did it grow into an organization that serves over 30,000 photographers today?

Find out all this and more in The Challenge to Succeed: 150 Years of Professional Photographers of America, available at Marathon Press. For more information, visit