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July 15, 2019

Why Did You Become a Photographer?

Seriously, why did you become a photographer?

“I became a photographer so I can tell magical enchanting stories. Whether those are true or fictional stories, they should make an impact on the viewer and evoke emotions!” - Kalina Schneider

"Photography is the tool for me to connect with animals and capture sweet moments between them and their people.  That connection and the gratitude that pet owners have for their printed memories is what fills my emotional cup and keeps me motivated to continually refine my process and succeed as a business owner." - Arica-Dorff

"Photography found me when I was finding myself. I didn’t set out to be a photographer. It started as a hobby taking photos in different conferences and led to people noticing my photos. Now, it has become a rewarding career for me." - Federico Jr. Gamogamo

"…I love photography because the opportunities to document reality in creative ways - and quickly - challenges me. Weddings are always different and present lots of ways to be creative. Human interaction and understanding, learning and honoring different cultures, and providing life-long images to hold close to one's heart are my life's work. " - Berit Bizjak

"I fell in love with image making at the age of 14 thanks to my photography teacher, Thomas Lambert. He introduced me to photography, made an exception on the prerequisite of having access to a camera (I didn't), loaned and trusted me with gear... it changed my life. I dreamed of being a photographer and now I'm living my dream...." - Dennis Crawford

"I started as a sideline photographer at my son's sporting events and after a while, I noticed the other parents stopped bringing their cameras. When I asked why and they responded, 'why should we when you are here?' I went pro the next year by sponsoring a little league team and was hired to photograph the entire league. It was quite the wake up call and 10 years later I'm still working with that league and many more." - Jeff Wallace

"After 13 years in aerospace engineering, I became a photographer. It is my way to visually express my desire to see art and beauty in all things. I began photographing family and children and now that I focus on photographing women, it is my way to help empower other women. My proudest moment as a photographer was when I entered my first competition image to IPC and it went Loan. For the first time, I felt the validation that my career change was the right decision." - Rhea Lewis

"I grew up around a mother obsessed with her camera. She gave me all her hand-me-down photography equipment and talked about f-stops, leading lines, and whatever else she picked up from the local photography classes she took. I became a photographer because I have fond memories of making pictures alongside my mom and I fell in love with freezing a moment in time." - Julie Collins

What about you? Why did you become a photographer? What is your proudest moment? How has this community of photographers helped you grow? Join the Faces of PPA campaign, share your story and inspire your peers and clients!

And the best part is that submitting your entry for Faces of PPA is super easy! Click here to start today. Not a member? Join Professional Photographers of America to get tons of support for your photography business.