Alight Lavishly

©Ric Lewis, Courtesy Kayla Douglas Artistry

While they’re not exactly light as a feather, the prop wings from Kayla Douglas Artistry are a mere five pounds or less thanks to a patented base that’s both lightweight and durable. The wings feature a corset back, allowing the width to be adjusted to subjects of all sizes. 

The handmade wings are constructed of cruelty-free sourced feathers from ostriches, roosters, or peacocks, depending on the design. Ostrich feather designs are available in 42 colors. For transport, the wings can be easily folded in half and fourths, fitting into a Kayla Douglas Artistry dress bag, which also serves as safe storage.

A variety of designs are available, with short and floor-length options. Child-size wings are $750; adult-size offerings are $650 to $1,700. 

©Ric Lewis
©Ric Lewis

Tags: props