September 5, 2024
at 10:00am -
4511 West Sahara Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89102
United States
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The photo industry has changed rapidly and will continue to change over the next few years. How can you keep your skills ahead of the curve and stay relevant, busy, and profitable in turbulent times? How do you make new technologies serve your business and your clients? When should you upgrade your equipment? When does outdated gear inhibit your success as a photographer? How do you balance camera manufacturers; promotional hype with real-world needs". How do you research equipment through YouTube, manufacturing sites, camera stores, and other educational services? I am an experienced photographer and film producer/director/writer whose clients have included Radio City Music Hall, RCI (Rockefeller Center, Inc.) CBS, ABC, TNT, and Hallmark Channel among others. I began using view cameras, 2 1/4 Rolleiflex cameras, and early 35mm film cameras. I was an early adopter of digital camera technology from 2001 with the Nikon D1 (with a whopping 3mps) to the 60mps beasts of today. And, we'll cover lighting as well - from flashbulbs to early manual speedlights and contemporary flash systems with wireless triggers.
Items to Bring:
- Note taking equipment
- A list of current equipment
- A list of equipment you are considering buying
- A list of your priorities for your business (in addition to making more money)