Watch even more in our video library!

We have 900+ photography classes available for view on demand in our video library.
We also have 27 Deep dives sorted by popular specialities and topics to make it easier to find what you need. Members have full access to the entire video library and non-members can enjoy 1 minute previews on all photography classes.

When logged in as a member be sure to test out these new features: 

  1. Select the "Heart" icon on any video to save it to your myEducation dashboard under myPPA for easy discovery at a later date.
  2. Use the time sensitive "Thumbs up" or "Thumbs down" icon under any video to let us know any moment when you find a video helpful or not.
  3. Switching devices? Have to stop during a class? Pause and pick up where you left off on any photography class when logged in as a member.