About the Class

It’s time to take control of your business and start making decisions that put you on the path for success.  As a small business owner you are always told, “You need to think like a CEO”.  But what does that really mean? How does one simply “start thinking like a CEO”?  It’s more than just thinking strategically.  It’s about putting the business structure, mission statements, vision, metrics, and process improvements in place to work towards business and personal success.  Using the lessons learned working with and for, CEO’s for over 15 years, Travis will discuss the CEO mindset demonstrating it through easy to understand stories and principles.  As part of this journey, Travis will break down the steps necessary to convert your business into a “CEO mind set” helping position your organization to achieve your goals.

In this class Travis will:

  1. Define the CEO mindset and explain why it is important to all small business owners
  2. Discuss how CEO’s make decisions and their thought processes 
  3. Go through the process of restructuring the basic business models and principles to allow photographers to take control of their business
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