Cr.Photog., API
About the Class

In his or her studio, a photographer can create numerous patterns and shapes with light. But can you? Could you do it better? Get on board with PPA lighting guru, Tony Corbell. In this class, he shows you how to make magic in the studio!

That magic starts with learning lighting’s 4 W’s and an H: what to use, when, where and why to use it, and most importantly, how to use it. Tony will walk you through them all as he demos and discusses the following:

  • Main light - Learn about the different lighting sources and the patterns you can create with them, from a Rembrandt style to butterfly lighting.
  • Short light vs. broad light - When, why and how to use it.
  • Light modifiers - Watch Tony work his magic with a softbox and other techniques.
  • Window light - The low-cost favorite for photographers who know how to use it. Take this class and join the club!

At the end, you’ll examine the finished products, comparing and contrasting different effects. The results? Positively illuminating!

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