About the Class

"I bet you went into photography because you were attracted to the art, the design, or the freedom. Then, after opening your business, you realize a lot of your time is spent dealing with people – often stressed out people – the anxious bride, the pushy mother-in-law, or the family drama over the holiday photo.

That is NOT what you signed up for! In fact, you may be:

•           terrified of conflict

•           worried about making a client mad

•           agonizing over client’s demanding expectations

We want to help you to feel calmer, happier, and more confident even if your client is upset.  It helps if someone is grounded during those stressful situations.

•           So how do you stay steady inside yourself?

•           Not fall into people pleasing, but instead take care of yourself and your client, - helping to make their day and yours a bit less stressful?


In this talk, you’ll learn the:

•           Three things you’re doing that are likely making the conflict worse

•           Simple, tactical tools to settle your high emotions in the midst of conflict

•           Two magic ingredients that will turn around a conflict in a click

•           The key to dealing with defensiveness – yours or theirs!


Weddings, baby’s first photo, and family holiday shots are highly emotional and conflictual times even for the best of us.  Conflict is a natural ingredient for creativity – whether it’s in the picture, or all around taking it. You can learn to harness that energy to take the creative masterpiece.

There is nothing you, and we, can’t do from an embodied place of inspired action!"

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