Benefits / Resources / Articles
November 08, 2018

Tips to Making More Money with this Free PhotoVision Video

When you're starting a business, getting clients to commit to a sale can seem like an impossible feat. However, it may not be clients standing in the way of you making money, but yourself. PPA releases a free PhotoVision video every month, and in this month’s video, Sue Bryce will teach you on how to properly receive money and make more for your craft.

In the latest PhotoVision video, "Receiving Money," Sue Bryce shares her advice on managing and receiving money to be the best photographer you can be. Sue's philosophy of "seeing money everywhere" can help emerging photographers with any monetary roadblocks they're facing. This video's solutions to your financial challenges will change your business.

PPA members have access to this video as well as 1,100 other informative videos due to PPA's vast Online Learning Center. If you want to be a member and have access to all of these videos, join PPA today!