Benefits / Resources / Articles
September 15, 2016

Is It Safe to Fly My Drone? Check the B4UFLY App

With the recent changes in FAA regulations allowing photographers to use drones in their business, many are interested in offering aerial drone photography to their clients. However, there are regulations and requirements you need to be aware of to fly your drone legally, such as passing the FAA's drone pilot test.


Another requirement when flying a drone is to be sure that you aren't in restricted air space. That's where the B4UFLY App comes in handy! You can use it to check the air space you are planning on flying a drone in to see if there are any restrictions or requirements in effect. 

Download the app for Apple and Android devices and be sure to check it before you fly a drone! 

Don't forget to stay tuned to for the latest news, regulations and education on aerial drone photography!

ch_headshot_100x100.jpgAbout the author:

Chris Homer is PPA's SEO & Web Specialist, which basically makes Google Analytics his best friend. A graduate of the University of Georgia, Chris cheers passionately (and obnoxiously) for the Bulldogs in all things from football to checkers. When he's not hard at work on PPA's websites, you'll find Chris at auto racing events around the southeast, where he's known as a master architect of tent villages.