You’ve heard a lot about the importance of networking, so you got dressed and found yourself at a networking event. But soon after you arrive, your legs start to feel numb, your palms are sweaty, and you start feeling nauseous – you just realized you don’t know what to do next. Don’t worry, you can find all the tips and tricks you need to make the most of your next networking event in this article from "The Balance Small Business".
Face-to-face business networking can be nerve-racking. Usually, you have just a few seconds to make an impression that ensures a second meeting. But as Mark Hunter rightfully points out, even in this digital age, in-person networking remains one of the best ways to establish good business relationships.
So if you are currently surfing the internet for networking events, you are on the right track! But how do you go about it? What do you say and to whom? What’s the best way to hand out business cards? How do you balance speaking and listening during the conversations? Here are a few helpful tips:
Build New Relationships
Break out of your comfort zone and talk to people you don’t know! There’s no point going to a networking event if you only end up talking to the people you already know.
Prepare to Listen
Networking is not just about selling yourself, it’s about building relationships. So (even though, you’re awesome) don’t just start conversations with the sole intention of giving an elaborate monologue on how awesome you are. Make sure you get to know them too!
Avoid Interrupting
Try not to interrupt two people who are in the middle of a conversation, or barge into a group of four or more people.
Discover more tips in the full article on "The Balance Small Business." Join Professional Photographers of America to get tons of support for your photography business and to read more photography articles!