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October 09, 2018

Growing Your Photography Business in a Struggling City

You started your photography business in a city you’ve grown to love - you’ve had precious memories, invaluable shots, and more importantly, deep connections with the community. But when the city begins to go bankrupt, you’re reasonably worried that your business may not survive - or can it?

Photographer Shawn Lee has been growing his business in a struggling economy for over a decade. Even after it filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy in 2013, working in Detroit hasn't harmed Lee's business.

In this article on Professional Photographer, Lee shares several secrets he discovered that helped him achieve success despite the circumstances. He discusses everything from his business strategies to how he became an advocate for the downtrodden city.

"I became more than just a photographer; I became an advocate for Detroit... relevant to people and families who care nothing about photography," Lee says.

Read the full article, "From Surviving To Thriving," on Professional Photographer. If you’re not already a PPA member, don’t forget to join PPA to get the latest advice and news in the photography world!