In 2018 PPA is focusing even more on making small-business photographers more profitable. To further help you understand the gap between what you want as an artist and what consumers want, there are lots of business-related blogs for you in this week's roundup. But don't worry; you'll still be served technique tips and inspirational stories you've come to expect from the blogs! Get ready to take notes as you dig into our top posts for the week of 2/26-3/2.
Got Copyright Questions? Facebook Live Q&A with PPA's CEO, David Trust
COPYRIGHT: PPA is holding a Facebook Live on Tuesday, March 6 at 2pm ET to answer your small-claims legislation questions. Find out everything you want or need to know and help pass H.R. 3945 through the House!
10 Social-Media Trends to Prepare for in 2018
MARKETING: Let's face it, with even the president on Twitter, social media has officially become the public sphere. Make sure you're staying on top of the powerful trends that will affect both users and brands in 2018.
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Become a Better Artist
GROWTH: "As soon as you stop growing, you start dying...what does it take to grow beyond a well-taken photograph, and into the realm of the sublime? It takes facing your fears and stepping outside of your comfort zone". Read photographer Nicole York's inspiring piece and challenge yourself to keep growing!
Shooting a Character Portrait with Joe McNally and Daniel Norton
TECHNIQUE: This video from Adorama takes you behind-the-scenes on a shoot with portrait photographers Joe McNally and Daniel Norton. Their goal is to light the subject in a way that emphasizes what the photographer sees in the person.
How Effective is Facebook Advertising? The Truth About Facebook ROI
ADVERTISING: Facebook is now an unavoidable powerhouse in the world of marketing (see our first link above!) but this piece from Think Creative Group crunches the numbers to see how effective it advertising with them really is.
7 Tips on Making the Switch to In-Person Sales
SALES: Making the switch from shoot-and-burn to in-person sales can be intimidating, even downright scary, for photographers. But the process may be far less painful than you fear. Here, some ideas from Professional Photographer magazine about how to move forward with IPS.
What Life is Really Like While Following Dreams of a Career in Photography
CAREER: Gabrielle Colton with a thought-provoking piece on what it takes to pursue your photography full-time. Her initial answer seems simple (it takes everything), but she elaborates with four points that you'll find challenging yet comforting if you're considering leaping to full-time.
9 Ways to Be a Good Client for Your Photographer
OTHER SHOES: How about an article meant for clients of photographers? See how Contrastly recommends its readers behave when they're working with a professional photographer. Don't worry: the article was written by photographer Jo Plumridge so you can trust the source!
HISTORY: Have you been watching the newest PPAedu videos featuring photographer Tony Corbell? You really don't want to miss them, or this blog from Tony that positions photography in the tradition of classic paintings. Each style of lighting for photographs can be found in the works of artists such as Rembrandt and Sargent. After reading more from Tony, you're going to want to check out PPAedu!
Five Reasons to Log Back Into Your LinkedIn Account
SOCIAL MEDIA: We've tackled Facebook, video marketing, and online trends this week...why not a look into why you also need to utilize LinkedIn! PhotoVision star Gary Hughes hosts this blog with the five reasons you need LinkedIn for your photography business (for example: did you know they own
Give Your Photography Business the Personal Touch to Make More Money
STEWARDSHIP: PPA Today rounds out our business blogs with a look into why you need to establish a personal relationship with your clients through marketing and customer service. You may even re-think how you feel about (gulp!) in-person ordering appointments.
There you have 'em, our weekly blog post roundup! What photography blogs or podcasts do YOU follow? Post your favorites on theLoop or email them to us at [email protected]